
Page 173 : 13 novembre 2013, Bob Dylan au Grand Rex

Et, chance !, ce soir jeudi, c’est la dernière, et je finis assez tôt pour y assister. Je n’ai pas réservé de place. J’espère en trouver une au plus haut balcon, dans un coin, avec les moins fortunés des amateurs (77 €). Peut-être après le concert, j’irai traîner dans les cafés du coin, on ne sait jamais, je pourrais tomber sur Bob et sa bande en train de boire des bières !


Le Grand Rex is the largest cinema in Paris, with 2,800 seats. An atmospheric theatre in American parlance, it features a starred “sky” overhead and interior fountains. It is a landmark of Art Deco architecture. It features the largest screen in Europe, called grand large.
Bob appeared during his European tour was at the Grand Rex November 12-14.
Setlist: 11/13/13
1. Things Have Changed (Bob center stage)
2. She Belongs To Me (Bob center stage with harp)
3. Beyond Here Lies Nothin’ (Bob on grand piano, Donnie on electric mandolin)
4. What Good Am I? (Bob on grand piano, Tony on standup bass)
5. Duquesne Whistle (Bob on grand piano, Tony on standup bass)
6. Waiting For You (Bob on grand piano)
7. Pay In Blood (Bob center stage)
8. Tangled Up In Blue (Bob on grand piano)

9. Love Sick (Bob center stage with harp, Donnie on electric mandolin) with “Merci beaucoup..” bit at the end on the video

10. High Water (For Charley Patton)
(Bob center stage with harp, Donnie on banjo, Tony on standup bass)
11. Simple Twist Of Fate (Bob on grand piano)
12. Early Roman Kings
(Bob on grand piano)
13. Forgetful Heart (Bob center stage with harp, Donnie on violin, Tony on standup bass)
14. Spirit On The Water (Bob on grand piano, Tony on standup bass)
15. Scarlet Town (Bob on grand piano, Donnie on banjo, Tony on standup bass)
16. Soon After Midnight (Bob on grand piano)
17. Long And Wasted Years (Bob center stage)

18. All Along The Watchtower (Bob on grand piano)

19. Blowin’ In The Wind (Bob on grand piano with harp, Donnie on violin


Bob Dylan – piano, harp
Tony Garnier – bass
George Recile – drums
Stu Kimball – rhythm guitar
Charlie Sexton on lead guitar
Donnie Herron – banjo, violin, electric mandolin, pedal steel, lap steel



Bob also received ‘The Légion d’honneur Award’ The French cultural minister Aurelie Filippetti gave a glowing speech about Dylan. Note: Established by Napoleon, the Order of the Legion of Honour is presented to individuals who have served France in various ways.

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